Girl names that start with M
Coming up with a name for your baby girl can be a tricky thing: trust me, I've been there! To help you out a bit, below you'll find a list of the most popular girl names that start with M, according to the United States Social Security Administration. All the best of luck with choosing a girl name and in case you don't find a fitting option here, you can always check out The Story Shack's substantial list of real name generators.
Discover a selection of popular girl names starting with M
- Mabel
- Maci
- Macie
- Mackenzie
- Macy
- Madalyn
- Madalynn
- Maddison
- Madeleine
- Madeline
- Madelyn
- Madelynn
- Madilyn
- Madilynn
- Madison
- Madisyn
- Mae
- Maeve
- Magdalena
- Maggie
- Magnolia
- Maia
- Maisie
- Makayla
- Makenna
- Makenzie
- Malani
- Malaya
- Malayah
- Malaysia
- Maleah
- Malia
- Maliah
- Maliyah
- Mallory
- Mara
- Maren
- Margaret
- Margo
- Margot
- Maria
- Mariah
- Mariam
- Mariana
- Marianna
- Marie
- Marilyn
- Marina
- Marissa
- Marlee
- Marley
- Martha
- Mary
- Maryam
- Matilda
- Mavis
- Maxine
- Maya
- Mckenna
- Mckenzie
- Mckinley
- Meadow
- Megan
- Meghan
- Meilani
- Melanie
- Melany
- Melina
- Melissa
- Melody
- Mercy
- Meredith
- Mia
- Miah
- Micah
- Michaela
- Michelle
- Mikaela
- Mikayla
- Mila
- Milan
- Milana
- Milani
- Milena
- Miley
- Millie
- Mina
- Mira
- Miracle
- Miranda
- Miriam
- Molly
- Monica
- Monroe
- Morgan
- Mya
- Myah
- Myla
- Mylah
- Myra
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Girl Names That Start With the Letter M
There are many different girl names that start with the letter M. These include Mia, Melinda, Mallory, and Marian. You can find plenty of great choices that fit your personality.
If you're looking for a name that's different than the rest, consider one of these unique girl names that start with the letter M. There's no shortage of choices, from traditional to vintage favorites to modern, trendy alternatives.
The letter M is often associated with female ties. Its maternal qualities are strong, which makes it an attractive option for baby girls. These names have been popular for centuries.
Although you're able to choose from a huge variety of baby girl names that start with M, some are more common than others. Some names are derived from biblical figures, while others are influenced by trends.
For example, if you like the classic "Madelyn," you can opt for "Madeline." You can also opt for the French-sounding "Mariette," or the posh "Madelief." However, it's important to keep in mind that some names are very rare.
The letter M is a parent to a great many beautiful baby girl names. However, it's important to choose the one that suits you best. You'll want to make sure that you find a name that's not only unique, but also has a few interesting and unusual nicknames.
One of the more memorable names to come out of the letters M is Melinda. It's a modern take on the classic Melissa. In the late 1800s, it was a popular name, and made its way into non-literary usage.
Another name to check out is the "M"-themed version of Mindy. Though it's not a top name in the U.S., it does have a plethora of meanings, ranging from the oh-so-classy to the totally enigmatic.
This is a pretty three-syllable M name that has a nice meaning and a few perks. It's a combination of Melissa and Linda, and it has a pretty Heart's Desire Number, which is 6 for a girl's name.
If you're looking for a name starting with the letter M, you might want to consider Marian. It's one of the most popular Christian names and a great name for a girl.
Names beginning with M tend to have a significant association with family. You can find thousands of girl names that start with this letter. However, you should be cautious about choosing your baby's name, since it can affect your child's success in life.
The first thing to do is to understand the origin of the name. This will help you determine what kind of reputation it will have in your community.
The other key factor to consider is the length of the name. Generally, a name that contains the letter M is short. Therefore, you may want to pick a name that's just a tad longer, to allow you to enjoy the benefits of the name.
M names are often very popular baby girl names. They are versatile and can work well with sibling names. Parents can choose a name that fits their family and makes them happy. Using this name is an excellent way to express your love for your child.
You might have heard of Mallory. In fact, you may even have seen her in a movie or TV show. She is a well-known character in the show Family Ties. She is played by Justine Bateman.
If you're looking for a girl's name that's both old-fashioned and trendy, consider Mallory. This is a gender-neutral name of French origin that has become popular in recent years. Originally, Mallory meant unfortunate.
However, it has a different meaning today. While it originally means "ill-omened," it can also be short for "Mallory" or "Malison." The word is derived from the French words malheure and malory.
Choosing a baby name can be overwhelming. The naming game is one of the most important decisions you will make. You want to choose a name that reflects who you are and what you want for your child.
While M names are not as popular as they used to be, you will find that they still represent an intriguing array of options. From nature to meditative, you'll find some great choices.
There are also a lot of spelling variations to consider when choosing a name. Some of the most unique ones have no particular meaning and aren't as popular.
One of the more interesting ones is a name that combines M with another word to create a clever acronym. A great example is the name Noa.
Another great choice is the nature-inspired Myla. This name is based on sweet smelling resin. Besides being cute, it conjures up beautiful flowers and is perfect for a spring baby.
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