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Image for Testament


W.A. Fix | Sayantan Halder

The Lord said, “Let there be Darkness!”

Then Darkness fell upon the Earth, and all that remained was the pounding of the horses’ hooves. After two days, the pounding stopped and Satan’s horses rested.

The leaders spoke to one another, each blaming the other for the Lord’s wrath.

And Satan’s horses charged again. They ran until they were spent and no one remained to speak of it. And, where the horses’ hooves had touched, gigantic boils were opened on the face of the earth, boils that spewed poison, almost to heaven itself, leaving scars that even eternity might not heal.

After one hundred days, God said, “Bring forth waters from the heavens and cleanse the air and the earth.”

And the rain fell. It fell in great torrents that washed away the remains of all that had been. The waters filled the depleted lakes and rivers and flooded the wasted lands. Then the rains turned to snow and sleet. A great winter lay upon the earth, like a blanket, and the only sounds were made by the earth, as the ice thickened. And no man or animal walked upon the face of the earth.

On the twelve hundredth day, the Lord said, “Let there again be Light.”

And by his word, the Darkness parted, and once again the sun shown upon the earth. The Lord reached out His hand and His warmth began to melt the ice, releasing the frozen seeds into the soil, now fertile from the decaying remnants of the past. The seasons returned, and all was as it had been in the beginning.

After two decades, the land was again green and almost no trace of man could be found. Then God raised his arms and spoke to the world.

“Bring forth My children that have been saved. Let them enter this new Eden that I have made.”

And on every continent, the great doors opened to the places they had prepared. And all manner of His children came forth into the world, bringing plants, animals and even insects. And the numbers of man were one in ten thousand of what they had been.

And when the Lord saw them, His heart was full and He spoke to them.

“Come, My children. Come into this world that is yours. But, be warned. Do not defile this gift again. If you do, I will snatch it from the heavens with a swiftness that you have not seen. Go forth and populate this place again, but go not into the scarred lands. There is a death there that will remain for a thousand years and only then will it be safe for you. Always remember, My children, with My love I have given you free will and your will shall be done.” And the Lord was silent.

And the people of the earth prospered, all working for the good of all. And when harsh times befell one group, the fortunate shared their bounty. And so it was, for two hundred years. Yet, the leaders began to bicker and demand payment from those who could not repay. And they became jealous of one another. And some began to speak of Satan’s horses that were hidden and could run across the earth again. And the Lord watched.

And the Lord’s children turned to the leaders and begged them to follow this path no more. The leaders were foolish and told them to be silent. And when all had failed, the children of God became angry and they rose up as one and struck down the leaders. They searched and found all manner of Satan’s tools that had been hidden, and cast them into the deepest crevice on earth and sealed it for all time. And when it was done they prayed to the Lord.

And the Lord God smiled upon them.


About W.A. Fix

W. A. Fix is a retired information technology manager, who with his wife and three cats lives in the suburbs of San Diego, California. He has been writing all his life and recently became more serious about the craft. He particularly enjoys writing “Flash Fiction” and stories in the 3,000 to 5,000 word range, due to the instant gratification for both author and reader. Other interests include photography and golf. Find him on Goodreads.

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