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Writing prompts - a short story
Lisa couldn’t believe it. Yes, she’d taken on the challenge to write every day. Yes, she’d promised to try some of these random writing prompts you could generate online. Had she known the outcome would be so outrageous, she’d never have done it. What were you supposed to do with a shipwrecked, cowardly fireman who somehow had anything to do with a music instrument? Was he going to realize that his talents lie elsewhere? Could he somehow manage to use the instrument to call for the help he desperately needed? Befriend it as Tom Hanks befriends a volleyball in Cast Away? If made out of wood, perhaps it could be used to construct a raft.
Lisa shook her head. Writing prompts. At this point even the ice bucket challenge sounded better.
Grab writing ideas with this creative writing prompt generator
Welcome to The Story Shack's free creative writing prompts generator! Are you in need of a story starter? Then simply click the button above and let the tool generate some great random writing prompt for you. You also don't have to worry if it will work on your iPad, iPhone, Kindle or other smart device, as the plot generator is fully responsive!
This tool is currently capable of generating 2.8 billion random fiction writing prompts , and that is not where we're stopping. Check back frequently for new ideas.
Currently, the writing prompt generator provides the following ideas:
Word count
Writing genre
Character type
A prop to use
A sentence
A bonus assignment
Writing prompts through our story idea generator
Do you need writing inspiration for your next book? A story starter for an upcoming flash fiction journal's competition? Perhaps you simply want to do a writing exercise? This plot generator is a one-stop shop to get the creative juices flowing. Our writing prompt generator provides you with a random prompt that includes a genre, the length of your short story, characters (also try out our character name generator), quotes, props and a bonus assignment.
What makes for a challenging creative writing prompt?
Creative writing prompts can be a lot of fun to write. However, not all ideas are created equal. Some topics are more difficult than others. Some of the most challenging prompts may include animal-human hybrids or autobiographical essays.
It is important for creative writers to have a variety of writing assignments and creative writing prompts. While some may seem easy at first glance, they can be quite challenging when it comes to actually sitting down and putting words on paper.
The idea of how to write on the given topic is often what makes for a good writing prompt. It's important to have an idea of what you want your story to be about and what you want readers to learn from it. Writing prompts often give you topics that you wouldn't think about yourself, so it's important that when reading the resulting story, one can tell that there is something interesting about the topic and not just something random.
Story prompts modeled after the 48 Hour Film Project
Writing prompts should be challenging. Because of this, I've modeled this story idea generator after the 48 Hour Film Project model. This film project takes place in many cities throughout the world and challenges storytellers to create a short film within two days. This short film needs to adhere to a number of random prompts that all participants share.
It's always a great challenge and a lot of fun. Hopefully you will have as much fun with the creative writing ideas this tool produces. So get the creative process started, click Generate above and keep clicking it until you have all the writing ideas you'd like.
Take writing prompts to the next level with Taleforge
The writing prompt generator was the very first tool I created on The Story Shack, and the site has evolved a lot since. It’s still my favorite random generator, and I wanted to try to explore the idea a bit further. The result is Taleforge, an interactive writing app that challenges you by throwing random prompts at you while you’re racing against a timer.
Can I share the random writing prompts that this tool creates?
Yes you can. The Story Shack claims no copyright on any of these prompts.
How many ideas can I generate with this random Writing Prompt Generator?
The Writing Prompt Generator can generate thousands of ideas for your project, so feel free to keep clicking and at the end use the handy copy feature to export your prompts to a text editor of your choice. Enjoy!
The importance of writing prompts for authors
For quite some time, the idea of writing prompts has been something of a useful resource for writers of all levels. Writing prompts can have a significant impact on both the quality and quantity of your output, whether you're a novice looking to improve your writing confidence or an experienced professional looking for fresh ideas. Prompts help you come up with ideas you didn't know you had, making your writing go further and faster than it would have otherwise. Many writers struggle with blocks, writer's block, and generally low levels of productivity without them. Writing prompts are essential because they assist in inspiring you and reviving your creative juices. But first, let's talk about what exactly writing prompts are. A statement, idea, or sentence that encourages writers to come up with ideas and start writing is known as a writing prompt. A simple word or a lengthy sentence that prompts the writer to respond could be used. It is essential to keep in mind that prompts for writing are typically incomplete and necessitate further investigation. They are most effective when used to motivate the writer to investigate the subject more deeply and develop their own original story or perspective that they would not have otherwise considered. Anywhere and on any subject can be used as a prompt. You could get a prompt from someone else, like an editor, teacher, or mentor, or you could look within yourself for one. In either case, the way you approach a prompt is the key to making the most of it and maximizing its impact. Setting a timetable for progressing your writing is one of the most effective ways to use a prompt to advance it. That one sentence might end up being the subject of an entire article, opinion piece, or even novel! If you give yourself deadlines and goals to meet, you will stay on track and continue to develop the prompt's initial idea, which is when you will reap its full benefits. Naturally, there is no right or wrong in creative writing, and anything can be interpreted and considered. You don't have to use the prompt exactly as it was given to you or take it at face value. Writing prompts are adaptable and can be tailored to each person. They can be used to write about personal issues that you might not have been comfortable discussing before. Additionally, prompts can be utilized to dismantle self-imposed boundaries, thought patterns, and preconceived notions. A writer might, for instance, come up with a prompt that forces them to look at a subject from a different angle. By allowing the writer to look at a subject from a different perspective, a prompt has the power to enhance one's understanding of it when used in this manner. Whether you use them to gather ideas, improve your writing abilities, or just for fun, writing prompts are extremely useful resources for writers of all levels. Naturally, it is the individual's responsibility to make the most of the prompts that come their way. Writing prompts, on the other hand, are not to be undervalued as a useful tool for assisting writers on their journey.
5 questions to help you come up with writing prompts
- What unique life experiences have I had?
- What recent news event could I use to inspire a story?
- What emotions do I want to explore?
- What classic stories could be re-told from a different perspective?
- What unsolved mysteries need re-telling?
Can I use the random writing prompts that this tool creates?
Yes you can. The Story Shack claims no copyright on any of these names, but it is of course possible that some of the values this name generator provides are already owned by anyone else, so please make sure to always do your due diligence.
How many ideas can I generate with this Writing Prompt Generator?
The Writing Prompt Generator can generate thousands of ideas for your project, so feel free to keep clicking and at the end use the handy copy feature to export your writing prompts to a text editor of your choice. Enjoy!
What are good writing prompts?
There's thousands of random writing prompts in this generator. Here are some samples to start:
Idea #1 | Write a 350 word story in the fairy tale genre. It's about a rugby player and should include a fork. Also use the sentence 'I can fix this.' Bonus prompt: There seems to be no one left on the planet. |
Idea #2 | Write a 150 word story in the adventure genre. It's about a lion trainer and should include a golf club. Also use the sentence 'How do you feel?' Bonus prompt: Your character is imprisoned. |
Idea #3 | Write a 450 word story in the magical realism genre. It's about a fascist and should include coloring pencils. Also use the sentence 'Hello?' Bonus prompt: The story takes place in a desert. |
Idea #4 | Write a 100 word story in the fairy tale genre. It's about a lonely farmer and should include a leaderboard. Also use the sentence 'You don't have to love me.' Bonus prompt: Your character has just met the love of his/her life. |
Idea #5 | Write a 600 word story in the magical realism genre. It's about an unsuccessful policeman and should include a book. Also use the sentence 'We can repair this.' Bonus prompt: Your character is imprisoned. |
Idea #6 | Write a 400 word story in the military genre. It's about an immunologist and should include coloring pencils. Also use the sentence 'Whoopsidaisies!' Bonus prompt: Your character has lost someone dear. |
Idea #7 | Write a 800 word story in the seasonal genre. It's about a nurse who knows more than the doctors and should include a bicycle. Also use the sentence 'I've been in love with you since years.' Bonus prompt: The story takes place in a desert. |
Idea #8 | Write a 550 word story in the magical realism genre. It's about a remorseful murderer and should include expired food. Also use the sentence 'Where'd you get that wound?' Bonus prompt: The story takes place in space. |
Idea #9 | Write a 900 word story in the fairy tale genre. It's about a communist and should include a tablet. Also use the sentence 'I've been in love with you since years.' Bonus prompt: Winter is long and extremely cold. |
Idea #10 | Write a 950 word story in the children genre. It's about a wallflower and should include a flag. Also use the sentence 'Maybe we should just kiss to break the tension.' Bonus prompt: Your character is hated by everyone. |
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