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Writing Prompt Generator

Use this Writing Prompt Generator to find countless random writing prompts for your next gaming adventure, story or any other kind of project. Enjoy!

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Writing prompts - a short story

Lisa couldn’t believe it. Yes, she’d taken on the challenge to write every day. Yes, she’d promised to try some of these random writing prompts you could generate online. Had she known the outcome would be so outrageous, she’d never have done it. What were you supposed to do with a shipwrecked, cowardly fireman who somehow had anything to do with a music instrument? Was he going to realize that his talents lie elsewhere? Could he somehow manage to use the instrument to call for the help he desperately needed? Befriend it as Tom Hanks befriends a volleyball in Cast Away? If made out of wood, perhaps it could be used to construct a raft.

Lisa shook her head. Writing prompts. At this point even the ice bucket challenge sounded better.

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- Martin