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A Fairy’s Tale

Robert Carlysle | Allen Forrest

“I have always felt that the view that I was wicked or bad was unfair. Rather, I would say I was firm, sensitive of my honour if you will. I have never been prepared to accept insults from anyone, no matter how grand they might be. That had given me a certain, shall we say, reputation but so what?

The planned celebrations for the christening had been anticipated far and wide. Yet no invitation was forthcoming for me.

Naturally I cursed the child. There have to be consequences, after all.”

About Robert Carlysle

Robert is a retired teacher who now has time for writing. He is busy living happily ever after with his lovely wife, his hobbies and his garden in West Sussex. He has one daughter of whom he is inordinately proud and a newly-acquired son-in-law.

Visit the author's page >

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